Should Malaysia Go Green with Public Projects

In Malaysia, the demand for timber in public projects is significant, raising concerns about deforestation and environmental sustainability. Adopting a mandatory sustainable timber procurement policy could help protect forests, promote responsible industry practices, and contribute to global sustainability efforts. However, the feasibility of implementing such a policy depends on the availability of certified sustainable timber, industry readiness, and the government’s ability to enforce compliance. 

The fourth session of the Youth Parliamentary Debathon 2024 will be discussing the topic of “Should Malaysia Go Green with Public Projects?”

Was held in Dewan Pembangunan Siswa 2, Universiti Sains Malaysia (JOHOR)

In Malaysia, the demand for timber in public projects is significant, raising concerns about deforestation and environmental sustainability. Adopting a mandatory sustainable timber procurement policy could help protect forests, promote responsible industry practices, and contribute to global sustainability efforts. However, the feasibility of implementing such a policy depends on the availability of certified sustainable timber, industry readiness, and the government’s ability to enforce compliance.