Should Malaysia Embrace An Internationally-Aligned Approach to AI Governance?

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize industries and transform societies, nations around the world are grappling with the challenges and opportunities it presents. As countries explore various approaches to regulation of AI to address some of its challenges, the Hiroshima AI Process seeks to establish an internationally aligned approach on ethical guidelines, promotion of safe AI development, and global coordination and cooperation.

This motion proposes that it would be best for Malaysia to support such an approach to enhance its AI capabilities and encourage responsible AI.

Was held at UNITAR International University

Adopting globally-aligned AI governance can make Malaysia more competitive, ensure ethical AI use, and promote innovation. Success depends on strong institutions, partnerships, and public support. This raises the discussion of Should Malaysia Embrace An Internationally-Aligned Approach to AI Governance?

Join us along with our distinguished guest, YB Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Digital to engage in an inter-generational discussion.